Avalanche Radar System
Data Display:
The “online” or “live” echo data of the measurement can be displayed in
three different ways:
Photo View
Velocity View
Spectra View
Photo View:
The photo view shows a photo of the avalanche track with the projected range
gates inside. The range gates are coloured either with the maximum velocity
or the velocity at the maximum echo signal.
Fig. 12: Photo View of "Erzbergspitze" (Alpe Rauz, Arlberg)
(© IBK, TU-Graz)
Velocity View:
The velocity view shows the profile of the avalanche track divided into
the different range gates. Each range gate is coloured either with the maximum
velocity or the velocity at the maximum echo signal. So the information is
the same as above in the photo view.
Fig. 13: Velocity View (© IBK, TU-Graz)
Spectra View:
The spectra view shows the doppler velocity spectra for all range gates
during the measurement. The display shows more then one diagram on the screen
so that an avalanche event can be displayed from the starting area in the
avalanche track until the end of the movement.
Fig. 14: Spectra View of an avalanche event (© IBK, TU-Graz)